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Rumination is a response to prolonged stress and/or trauma where we experience repeated involuntary and intruding thoughts about past experiences, and in recent years this definition has been broadened to include the same form of circulating thoughts about what may happen in the future. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a significant […]

Rumination and the Art of Letting Go

Apr 18

Bonny's Articles

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by Amy Hiller – Healing Diet Coach graduate Working with a dehydrator is a fun and effective way to create delicious and nutritious foods that have complex flavours and textures, without the need to cook. By keeping temperatures below 46°C, living foods and their nutrients are not damaged by heat and remain rich in digestive […]

Delicious Dehydrator Recipes

Jun 13

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by Belén Mendoza – Natural Physician Student In a world where stress is often viewed as the enemy of well-being, it may come as a surprise to learn that not all stress is bad. In fact, there exists a fascinating phenomenon known as hormesis, which challenges our conventional understanding of stress and its effects on […]

Hormesis: Embracing the Power of Adaptive Stress

Jun 13

Student Work

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By Jessie Kasak – Natural Physician Student In the hustle and bustle of modern life, amidst the cacophony of dietary trends and nutritional advice, we often overlook the profound connection between food and our inner world. Osho, a spiritual luminary of our time, encapsulates this wisdom in a simple yet profound statement: “Forget about food; […]

The Art of Eating with Love

Jun 13

Student Work

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Photo of Anna Sundari in her yurt holding eagle feathers

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Congratulations to graduate, Anna Sundari, who has recently launched Empowerment Retreats in California. Sundari graduated as a Healing Diets Coach in 2022, then went on to attend several immersion trainings and graduated as a Master Iridologist in March. She is also making great progress towards her Naturopathy qualification and it has been wonderful to get […]

Graduate, Anna Sundari, launches Empowerment Retreats

Jun 13


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Congratulations to Rachel Rudy Kaye, who recently graduated as a Quantum Botanicals Therapist. Rachel was a dedicated and passionate student, whose expertise shone through in her exceptional case studies. Her ability to establish a safe and nurturing connection with her clients, allowing them to open up on vulnerable topics, is truly exceptional and her thoughtful […]

Befriend Botanicals

May 17


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Reflecting on my journey of development, I find it fascinating how my early experiences with healing were deeply rooted in the traditions of my Indian upbringing. As a child, my mother’s remedy for a tummy ache involved the comforting aromas of ajowan, fennel, and ginger. The ghee generously ladled onto dal and the assortment of […]

Healing Diets Nutritional Consultant Graduate opens her practice in Essex!

Jan 9


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by Quantum Botanicals Advanced student, Kylie Williams The gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem of it’s own, which has a heavy influence on overall health.  This article looks at the effects of phytochemical on gut health, based on a summary of scientific studies collated in 2022.  (See references below) The gut microbiota has a role […]

The Impact of Plant Phytochemicals on Gut Health

Dec 31

Student Work

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Spring 2023 began with the Quantum Botanicals Immersion, followed by the Healing Diets Immersion at Nutley Edge in East Sussex, with students attending from the UK, Spain, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, the US and the Netherlands.  This is a photo of our wonderful Quantum Botanicals students after collecting buttercups for our buttercup flower essence. It was […]

Photo Gallery of 2023 Immersion Trainings!

Dec 30

Quantum Botanicals

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The Wild Path Of Foraging: A Journey Through The Seasons Following is an exert from an essay written by Natural Physician student, Jemima Rose, on foraging through the seasons. I’ve included her section on winter foraging and will post each of the seasons from her essay, with her beautiful photos, over the course of the […]

Wild Foraging in Winter

Dec 30

Student Work

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My first teacher of iridology and herbal medicine, Dr. John Christopher, had such a passion for the many benefits of cayenne pepper, that he wrote an entire book on it! One of his students, Dr Richard Schulze, often quote’s Dr. Christopher in saying “If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. […]

The Power of Cayenne Pepper

Dec 28

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