Maurizio Ansaldo graduated first as a Healing Diets Coach, and then as a Quantum Botanicals Therapist and Healing Diets Nutritional Consultant. Upon graduation, Maurizio returned to his local community in Northern Italy to
establish a clinic and to begin teaching workshops and classes. His practice was flourishing and he joined forces with his partner to create a holistic clinic…then the pandemic struck and, like the rest of Italy, his entire community was in lockdown and he was unable to work. At first he was quite worried that his new practice would have to close.
An Unexpected Response!
To my great surprise, after six months of mounting stress, fear and anxiety caused by the corona virus, the media and the lockdown measures, more and more people started to feel the urge to take responsibility for their health. They realized the importance of diet in preventing illnesses and making their immune system stronger. That’s why I came up with the idea of creating specific nutrition classes and advertising them in local health stores in my home town. I focused on food combining, daily vegetables juices and the introduction of raw vegetables at every meal. I also pointed out the need of reducing animal products and increasing probiotics and fermented foods.
The response was very positive and I am now working on offering new workshops targeting winter recipes, detox formulas and ways to boost the immune system!
The conclusion I came to after this overall difficult time is that behind hurdles, there is always space for new opportunities to increase the consciousness among people. Personally, I constantly work on pursuing inner growth, since the external reality does not depend on us.